Launch of the project “Malagasy Youth Engagement in the Electoral Process” to strengthen young primo voters participation during the coming elections in Madagascar.
Antananarivo, June 21st, 2023
Following their participation to the democracy conference about “Promoting Civic Education in the Electoral Process in Africa” last January in Nairobi, Kenya, 5 malagasy organisations : Liberty 32, KMF/CNOE-Education des citoyens, ONG TOLOTSOA, ONG TOKOTANY IRAISANA et Association Libre des Journalistes de Madagascar (ALJM) à Atsimo Atsinanana are now launching “MYEEP” (Malagasy Youth Engagement in Electoral Process) which is a project aiming to raise youth participation during the upcoming elections in the districts of Antananarivo Renivohitra, Soavinandriana and Farafangana.
With the financial support of the US Department of State in collaboration the Center for Peace, Democracy and Development – CPDD of University of Massachusetts, Boston with Nextier and the Center for Democracy and Development of Western Africa, the implementation of this project will help to strengthen the capacities and the capabilities of young members of each organization on various topics related to civic and and electoral education so they can positively influence the youth electoral participation in the target communities. The project will run for 6 months from May to October starting with a two-day training of young peer educators on 2023, June 21st and 22nd.

The training’s purpose is to help participants discover and use engagement approaches especially through debates and games, but also key messages to educate registered voters and encourage young primo voters to to get out and vote. The use of new medias and ICT is also a part of the project as the participants will get to be introduced to the positive use of social media and ICT applied to and inclusive electoral process. In addition to that, those young persons will learn how to use leadership and influence skills to engage with peers on electoral matters. 11 young men and 9 young women have been selected to benefit from this training. They are all members of Liberty 32, KMF/CNOE- Education des citoyens, Tily Analamanga Afovoany, de l”ALJM Atsimo Atsinanana, and ONG Mirindra.
The 5 partner organizations of the MYEEP project are working together to raise public awareness and all the actors of the electoral process about the importance of young voters in the ongoing process from the voters’ education to candidates debates and mainly to ensure the transparency and fairness of elections in general. The data from the INEC shows that there are 4 593 980 registered voters aged from 18 to 35 out of a total of 9 623 662 registered voters as of April, 11th. It must be emphasized that most of these young persons have never voted since they acquired the age of 18 which grants the voter’s status.
Team DemNet Madagascar